Historically, infrastructure has been confusing and difficult to navigate.
Endless Google searching, consulting 100+ separate websites, and committing 10+ hours to wrangle together information available for just one area of interest. Between search time, duplicate research, fragmented information, low public utilization of government resources, & ill-informed infrastructure investment, the nation collectively wastes $1B+ per year on this information inefficiency.
JoinInfra intends to reduce this problem, serving all stakeholders as the No.1 hub for American infrastructure.
"Infrastructure" is the set of fundamental facilities & systems serving a geography. Infra in infrastructure and JoinInfra translates to "below" in Latin. It is the "structure", below.
Join in JoinInfra serves dual purposes. Firstly, it is used as a verb to mean "unite". Infrastructure is not advanced by just one type of actor. It is a symphony of many. So, uniting infrastructure in one place bridges individual citizens, private companies, industry groups, investment firms, associations, think tanks, government legislators, government agencies, and more. Second, Join is used as a verb to mean "take part in". It is a call to action. We need more people investing capital into infrastructure. Financial capital, human capital, attention capital, and just-simply-care-capital.
Together, JoinInfra both unites & encourages participation in U.S. infrastructure.