Current Status
Solid Waste
C+ | Comprehensive Report Card
Hazardous Waste
D+ | Comprehensive Report Card
Source: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) report card
The ASCE report card provides the most cited infrastructure ratings.
EPA Facility Registry Service (FRS): Facility Interests Dataset Download (Data.gov)
Publicly Reported State Municipal Solid Waste Data (Data.gov)
Excel file: "Municipal Solid Waste Data from 1960-2018" (U.S. EPA)
Excel file: "Waste Management by Material from 1960-2018 (U.S. EPA)
Map of Landfill Gas Energy Projects and Landfill in LMOP Database for LMOP Website (U.S. EPA)
JoinInfra #1 Resource​
National Overview: Facts and Figures on Materials, Wastes, and Recycling
Source: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA.gov)
Reports, Analyses, & Insights
US waste and recycling industry worth $91B in 2022, landfill capacity consolidation continues (Waste Dive)
​Landfills & Recycling: Inside US Waste Management 2023 (Citi Research
Solid Waste Market DataPack Q2 2023 (Environmental Business International)
Hazardous Waste Market DataPack Q2 2023 (Environmental Business International)
Remediation Market DataPack Q3 2023 (Environmental Business International)
Solid Waste Management, Resource Recovery & Waste Management Equipment (Environmental Business International)
​2023 Waste Market Update (Capstone Partners)
​Waste Market Overview & Outlook 2019 (Waste Business Journal)
Waste management in the U.S. - Statistics & Facts​ (Statista)
Federal Governance
Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Policy
Legislative Bodies
Financing & Investment
Capital Markets
Themes of the year: Managers turn to waste for cash (Infrastructure Investor)
The future of investing in plastic waste solutions (Morgan Stanley)
Why should investors care about waste management? (Schroders)
The garbage industry has outperformed the market since 2015. Here's why (CNBC)
Banking for the waste and environmental services industry (Truist)
Waste collection and recycling business financing (Celtic Bank)
Government Funding
Venture Capital
AI revolution shaping the waste industry in 2024 and beyond (Waste 360)
Innovative ideas for the waste management industry (Waste Management World Magazine)
The top innovations to watch in the resource and waste sector (Circular)
Municipal Solid Waste Factsheet (University of Michigan)​​
Study suggests U.S. households waste nearly a third of the food they acquire (Penn State University)
U.S. is a larger source of platics pollution than previously thought, report find (Yale University)
Waste Management Institute (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University)​